Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Today Steve Jobs announced that Apple will be allowing 3rd party apps on their phones. This is great!! I am not a hacker, but some of the things some Iphone users have been able to do and add look friggin outstanding!
There is one program that would be considered a 3rd party app. And until now, was useless when the Iphone had its update. IToner lets me add personalized mp3 ringtones to ALL my contacts....Take Mr. Bigword for instance; he and I have a few (read MANY) different inside jokes and quips and basically our own speak. So his mp3 will be "One Way To Rock" with the specific line of "It's 8:05, it's time to rock".
Ms. Monkey / Drunk Drama Queen will probably have a show tune or something gay and happy! *wink*
Mrs. Lucas will probably get the Darth Vader march theme....HAHAHA!
I got to think of one for my mom and dad....Matt W......Jessica S.....Oh yes, and the Smith's!

good times.....

Also, the new play, Ghost Writer, is coming along really well. Summer and I have got some great scenes to help you laugh your asses off! Make sure you check it out and get your reservations here

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