Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I'm Addicted (again)!

Well, I am hooked...AGAIN. Big Brother 9 on CBS has started and with a full on bang!
The house guests are paired up with people they don't know. Mainly boy/girl except for the obligatory boy/boy gay couple. One of the boys and one of the gals ARE a couple in the real world and it is just getting so damn good! Not only does CBS run it like 2-3 times a week, Showtime2 carries live feed from 9pm - 12am Pacific time!

how the F*$& am I going to get my lines memorized!!!?

Peace, Love, Hot Tubs and Boobs


1 comment:

Amy S. Petrik said...

oh my gosh!! I am a huge ass fan of BIG BROTHER!!! The current one of BB10... is ok... not a fan of Libra or Jerry the old man but still love the fighting!!! (and public humiliation that they are all doing in front of their families!!!) God Bless Reality TV.