Sunday, March 04, 2007

To the 'Extreme'.....

What is up rockers and rolla's!!? So it was a great weekend! Some highlights:

  • As the Mrs. and I were heading out to get a bite to eat, I was channel surfing (as I am programmed genetically to do). I stopped on 'Extreme Makeover' on ABC. My betrothed says to me without skipping a beat "why the hell are you watching 'The Crying Show'? I bust out laughing. She so pegged that right. Name one time when you watched that show and didn't shed a tear because little Johnny now has a play room where before he shared it with like 17 other siblings and 3 dogs and 6 cats. There is nothing really 'extreme' about it, is there?
  • 3 words; ANDREW DICE F-ING CLAY!! OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHhhhh. He is BACK! VH1 has his show of his return to the comedy world. He is a bit eccentric...a bit neurotic.....but he is ALL DICE, ALL THE TIME!
  • I caught a flick suggested to me from an awesome friend at work. She and I have great conversations about music and movies and what is 'in' and what is 'out'. I think one day we had an email banter over some great lines in Empire Records. 1) most people wouldn't even know that movie let alone 2) be able to rattle off great lines from that flick. Rent this movie now. But I digress. The movie she suggested was Waiting. Think of all the TGI Mc Friday Chevy's-esque places. This is a very smart humorous peek into that world. Another must see. There WILL be a test.
  • Said friend above will give me a load of shit about this next bit, but I am anxiously awaiting the release of Tommy Shaw (Styx/Damn Yankees) and Jack Blades (Night Ranger/Damn Yankees) called Influence. They give a tip of the chapeau to many great artists and songs. It reminds me of going to see Jeff and Mark play. They did a great version of "Your Move" by Yes on VH1.
  • and the BEST news for me this weekend; I am getting the voiceover website going full steam ahead! check it out here
All all in all...a great weekend! Hope you reading this enjoy it as much as I like venting. Leave comments and tell your friends to log in. I will also try to get the podcast updated more regularly.......and last.....this comic is for the Drunk Drama Queen and the Queen of Dysfunction:

Be good.....Dad and you guys.....



Mrs Munkey said...

Are you serious?!?!?! Dude, you are a self-proclaimed ROCKER!!! When did Rock and VH1 ever reside in the same serious sentence?? And it's about F-ing time you watched that damn flick! Now go watch Accepted. Not at all to the level of Waiting, but a fun romp for those who didn't get into the college of their choice...if at all!!

And to give credit where credit is due, your pals are pretty good. Not my cup of tea but with my passion for music, I nod with approval. (Ignore my Simon Cowell facial expressions...)

~ The one and only Mrs.Munkey!

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! This Comic is PRICELESS!!!! I love it!

rhiannon - friend of aly... wife of Drew... see, we're practically family.. by default. HA!