Monday, August 20, 2007

The Grill Diaries - Day 2

Well, I am at day 2 with the grill and I love it! Tonight was Rib eye's and Johnsonville Brats!

My dad went it for gastric bypass surgery today. My step mother called to say he was in great spirits coming out of the anesthesia. He joked with one of the nurses saying "so, am I thin yet?"

Snow White rehearsals are still going well, we open in a few weeks.

A HUGE thank you by the by to SSS for scoring me the VERY hard to get Disc 2 from Tesla called Real to Reel! Tons of Great covers on this one to accompany the first Disc.

ok are more or less caught up for a well!



1 comment:

clutterbug said...

You are SO very welcome my friend...I'm glad you told me about it...been rockin out to my copy since I got it! ;p